‌High Frequency RF Power Supplies

‌Our High Frequency RF Power Supplies are designed to meet the performance demand in RF-driven plasma systems for semiconductor processing. Applications include etch, ICP, RF sputtering and PECVD, as well as induction and dielectric heating processes in industrial systems, and solar photovoltaic applications.
CB Series 

The CB series is the culmination of 45 years of RF plasma and heating experience. We have taken the proven rugged design of the CX series power amplifier section and combined it with all the innovation in DC supplies and diagnostics to make a compact, stable  RF power supply without compromising reliability for size.  These single frequency RF power supplies operate in the HF band (3.39MHz to 30MHz) still benefiting from XP Comdel’s

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CVB Series

Operating at frequencies from 30MHz to 81MHz, the CVB series provides reliable VHF power into plasma and industrial processes.  CVB generators use broadband, low-“Q” amplifiers to reduce the possibility of RF system instabilities in your system.

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CX Series

The CX platform has proven to be the benchmark in the semiconductor industry for value and reliability. These high frequency (HF) generators operate at a single frequency from 3.39MHz to 30MHz. A frequency agile option allows fast frequency tuning in a range +/-10% of the center frequency.

The unsurpassed MTBF of the CX series brings the cost of ownership to a very low level. These generators were the first to incorporate XP Comdel’s patented “S” technology in power amplifier design.  This design enhances system stability and increases the life of the RF delivery system.

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